The Neuroscience Of Detachment

Today I would love to talk about The Neuroscience of Detachment in business. 

This week I’m putting into the world a brand new offer called The Empowered Entrepreneur, and of course I’m really excited to share this work. 

I have trained my brain to be in a place of alignment and inspired action on the run up to the launch and I know how many women I would like to say yes to themselves and come and join me in doing this work. Of course there is part of me that says ‘I would love to share this with every female entrepreneur in the world’, but what I also know (just with any offering) is that this work is not for everyone, and so I have to use the power of detachment and let go of the outcome. 

I see so many entrepreneurs try to control and micro manage the outcomes of situations, and in the past this has been myself too.

For many years I was very determined to create the outcomes I wanted, almost forcing them with willpower - “this will happen”. I always had a plan, which is good, but I didn’t let myself feel safe or successful unless everything went according to that plan. You could say I was an ‘outcome control freak’ when it came to manifesting my future, and that never ends well.

So, if you have a hard time letting go and accepting the way things unfold, this episode  is for you. I want to help you let you go and start receiving!

How Are You Attached To Outcomes?

Take some time to think about a business situation you are experiencing right now. It may be a certain number of clients you want to work with this month, it may be your financial goal, perhaps it’s an uplevel in the business like hiring the best team.

Be really honest with yourself right now: In what ways are you obsessing or over focusing on this outcome?

  • Are you attached to something happening in the timeframe you’re comfortable with?

  • Are you fixated on someone doing something in the way you want?

  • Do you think something will be a disaster if it doesn’t go exactly as you planned?

The Law of Attraction

You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. Here’s how I describe it with my neuroscientist hat on: Your Einstein brain (your left prefrontal cortex) that consciously makes the great decisions and comes up with the great ideas, but in order for an outcome to occur it has to be in alignment with your subconscious brain and a big player of this is the limbic system, the playground for your emotions. 

In order to attract your desires, you have to get into an energetic state that matches the frequency of whatever it is you’re seeking. Your conscious and subconscious brain have to be in alignment. In ‘The Empowered Entrepreneur’ I teach that being abundant has to start with feeling abundant, for instance; and attracting impact and income in your business starts by training your brain to believe you are that woman who does those things. When both aspects of your brain are in alignment then so is your energy and it is from that place that people are attracted to what you are offering. You become a shining light in a dark sky.

I love this mantra: energy flows where my intention goes. Make a whole-hearted intention each day to dwell in the alignment and energy of what you desire, and— by universal law—you will attract them.

The power of detachment

When you embrace your Empowered Entrepreneur you can stop controlling the outcome and start receiving it instead. The more we turn over our desires and goals to the care of the Universe, the more greatness we allow. 

This is because the more doors open to us and there are more unexpected opportunities for the universe to guide us to what we desire. If we are so focused on how to make an outcome happen then we miss these opportunities all around us. I call this wearing entrepreneurial blinkers. 

When we use the power of detachment we can stop worrying and trust that whatever is coming our way is of the highest good.

When your conscious brain and subconscious brain are in alignment then you are in energetic alignment because your brain feels safe, and our brain loves to feel safe. It is from this place of safety that we can move forward an create infinite impact and income

The moment you release your expectation of the results, you allow the Universe to back you up.

How To Detach From Outcomes

If we want to manifest the reality we want, we must be in an energy of detachment. In this energy, we become willing to allow and receive.

These 2 steps will help you detach from outcomes. When you practice this simple process, you’ll live with ease and confidence. And you’ll manifest your desires!

Step 1: Acknowledge your attachment to the outcome

Before you can detach from an outcome, you have to acknowledge that you’re attached to it.

Then start to pay attention to how that attachment and specifically the thoughts and emotions around it make you feel physically in your body. Is there a tension in your stomach, do your shoulders tense, is there a general whole body feeling of urgency?

If you are feeling ‘physicals’ then you know that you are attached to the outcome and that your energy is off and your conscious and subconscious are having a little battle in your brain.

You can start to see how it’s not serving you and how it may be blocking you from manifesting your desires.

Step 2: Surrender the attachment with Affirmation

The next step is to surrender it fully. This is so beautifully simple. It’s just a conscious affirmation. You can say this affirmation daily for at least the next 67 days if you want to detach from an outcome. 

I always recommend you write your own affirmations, but to get you started Gabby Bernstein says it wonderfully:

“I surrender this attachment, and I allow the Universe to show me where to go and what to do.”

That simple affirmation will shift your energy immediately. It’s your conscious brain telling your subconscious brain that whatever the outcome it will all be ok. It is ok to let go.

Remember: The key to attracting your desires is to be super clear on what you want from the outcome, acknowledge if you become attached to them and release those attachments. This allows you to be in energetic alignment so the universe can bring to you what you desire and you don't have to force or hustle. 

It’s this or something better

You can begin this daily practice by starting with things that don’t feel as urgent 

Release continuously

People often ask me how often they should use the power of detachment.  My response is: Every day. You can use your affirmation as often as you need, especially when you feel a sense of urgency around a desired result or situation. Turn to it anytime you catch yourself trying to control, or when you’re really hung up on a certain outcome.

It helps to begin practicing detaching in the areas of your life where things don’t feel so “high stakes” like your business. Areas where you have a more relaxed attitude toward the outcome. In time it will become easier to release your bigger attachments. And then you can release it all!

Focus on feeling good

Abraham-Hicks say:

“The reason you want every single thing that you want is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But if you don’t feel really good on your way there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you’re reaching for more.”

Your satisfaction with what is currently in the here and now and it allows you to be happy and peaceful regardless of whether you have exactly what you think you need. So don’t focus on what you think you need, focus on being at peace with where you are at right now.

I hope this has helped a little today as you go on your business journey, and if so I would be really grateful if you could like this and tell your friends too.

Have a really wonderful day everyone. See you soon.

Sarah x

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Sarah Asquith-Vallance