The Courage To Feel Fear.

I have been asked many times by clients ``How do I remove the fear from taking action in my business?” Here’s the thing, you can’t and you shouldn’t, but you can and must overcome it in order to achieve your dreams.

As we step into our role as leaders there will always be a bit of fear at every step of the journey.

There are two ways we can potentially deal with fear.

  1. Armour against it.
    There is nothing safer than armour, but doing this will lead us to distance ourselves from the situation and it blocks our intrinsic values that make us who we are and how we show up in the world. Most people do this, because it’s our brain’s #1 goal to be safe, but if you are doing this then you no longer are who you are meant to be.
    My son loves medieval history and I imagine ‘armouring up’ against fear is like getting dressed for battle and taking on an enemy with mighty force but not being involved in the battle plans, and as history tells us, it didn’t really work out well for knights.

  2. Master it.
    Mastering fear is uncomfortable. Standing up and saying ‘I don’t know what to do in this situation’ is vulnerable. We have been taught that vulnerability equates to weakness as entrepreneurs, but I believe this is wrong. Being vulnerable is where your power lies because it allows for growth, expansion and learning about yourself and your abilities. 

Armouring from fear makes us human and I’m sure there have been many times in life when we felt the need to armour from our fears, but when we learn to master fear then it makes us better entrepreneurial leaders.

I talk about fear, a lot, with my clients because it’s the go to emotion that keeps us safe as humans, but as entrepreneurs we have to learn to accept that fear is an important part of our personal and business growth.

There are three things I invite you to consider today around fear

  1. Name the fear backed thoughts.
    The knee jerk, brain-based response would be to try and remove yourself from the situation in which you feel fear. If you have a big financial goal then your brain will feel fear because that could potentially lead to emotional or financial pain and this will trigger the fear centre. If you know you want to advance in your business but it will take new skills and hiring a team then your brain can perceive this as mental or financial pain or if you have to take time to learn something it could be perceived as energy efficiency pain.
    Most entrepreneurs don’t know that this is key because. Once you listen to that small inner voice telling you that what you are planning to do in your business feels unsafe then you can logically ask yourself inspired questions around this situation.

  2. Get curious about fear
    Your Einstein brain has given you this idea, mission, purpose. You concieved it, it is yours to bring into this world, so rather than dismiss it when fear appears, go deeper and get curious.
    I talk to my clients about their purpose because I have rarely seen an entrepreneur who is doing their work just for the money. It’s a must for your purpose to be bigger than you, but because it is then we feel fear and tell ourselves stories ``Who am I to think I can do this?” “ If I try and fail then I'll be judged, ridiculed or made to feel wrong.”
    Here’s what is important, people will judge, that’s what people do. But, it’s also none of your business what people think about you, so let them judge.

    3. Acknowledge the unknown path
    The joy of being an entrepreneurial leader is that we are trailblazers who don’t know. Of course we don’t know because our brain has never been to where we want to go before. And because of this your brain will get scared, and when you do you will look to past experiences, thoughts and beliefs for a solution. But they won't be there, how can they be there, they are not there. Only the beliefs and stories you tell yourself to get you where you are today will be there, and they will not get you to where you want to go next.

    This makes us feel that because we don’t yet know they steps on the path that it must be the wrong path. This path must be taking us in the wrong direction. This path is taking us from a safe, pain free, energy efficient life and into the wilderness. That’s crazy right. Who would follow that path?

    I’m going to be real here. Most people wouldn’t, only the entrepreneurs. Even most entrepreneurs wouldn’t because they haven’t trained their brain to identify and receive the success they desire which is what I do with my clients daily.

    For us to receive the impact and income from our business we have to be clear that armouring against fear is our greatest barrier to the bravery we need on this entrepreneurial journey. The unknown path to what you desire is going to be paved with fears along the way so learn to master your emotions, relax into the knowledge that this is the case and that you can and will overcome each and every challenge.

    If you know you need to master your emotions and learn how to train your brain for business and financial success then I would love to support you around this.
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